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Welcome to GriefShare at Kennebec Baptist Church. GriefShare is a ministry of learning more about the experience of losing a loved one in a structed setting and among others with that experience as well. Each week we share a video with a topic relating to what to expect and some tools that will help in understanding what you are going through. We learn that you do not get over grief but we learn skills and habits to help us get through grief. We have an opportunity to share in discussion about our own experience and trials. Participation is not required.

At Kennebec we have experienced facilitators with many seasons of caring and supportive ministry. We strive to walk with you in your grief. GriefShare will benefit those who have lost a loved one and are seeking to find healing. Many who have already participated in previous secessions find that repeating the events will provide new or refreshing insights into their current experience. Some may have missed one or more lessons and can update their background.

The Spring 2023 GriefShare series will be held on Thursday afternoons from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM. We will be starting March 30 and running through June 29. This is a 14 week series.

A Workbook is Provided. There is no cost. This is a faith-based ministry. We hope that you will join us in the expectation that the Lord Jesus Christ together with the GriefShare experience will help lead you through your grief experience.

We are seeking an assistant for the afternoon secessions. If you are interested in helping, Nancy and I would appreciate a call. Secession interaction is easy to do and there is training available. Thank You for your interest.

PS. If you have someone you know, who you think would benefit from GriefShare, please forward this or contact them. Thank You.

Alan Outcalt (630) 346-1087
Nancy Line (919) 649-9125

January 8

KBC KIDZ Ministry

April 7

Good Friday Worship Service. All are Welcome.